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Our Story


To create and manage safe spaces in Aotearoa for our kōkako to enable them to thrive.


For every kiwi to know what a kōkako is, what they sound like, and where to find one. (and what they can do to help!)

In the heart of the Rotoehu Forest, a group of passionate individuals united around a shared dream: to protect the enchanting kokako bird and its precious natural habitat. Their vision gave birth to our Kokako Ecosanctuary, a haven where nature's magic could thrive, free from the threat of predation. For over a decade our dedicated team, including our invaluable volunteers, has worked ceaselessly to transform this dream into a living reality. We've battled invasive species and nurtured safe spaces for these beautiful birds to flourish. The results have been extraordinary.


We are now home to the second largest contiguous population of kokako birds in the world! Along with the skyrocketing of the kokako population, forest fauna and flora, such as tītitipounamu, korearea, kohekohe, clematis and many others, are flourishing once more.

To celebrate our 10 years we decided it was time to tell the world about what we have achieved and the work we continue to do, so we launched Kokako Ecosanctuary. Our goal is to spread the word about these little-known birds so that every kiwi knows what a kokako is, what they sound like and where to find one! So that one day these birds can be found all over New Zealand, rather than in small managed pockets. 

Help Support
Kokako Conservation

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Get Involved

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Help us spread the word! Share our campaign material and participate in supporting kokako conservation.



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We’re always on the lookout for new volunteers,  please let us know if you’d like to join us in the bush or help out in some other way.

Buy Kokako Coffee

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For the coffee addicts out there, you can support our work by purchasing products from Kokako Organic Coffee and using the code word ROTOEHU at the checkout.

Latest News

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Breaking News:
Kokako Population Soars in Rotoehu Forest!


By making a donation, you can actively participate in the magic taking place in the Rotoehu Forest.

Your contribution will enable us to continue our vital work of spreading the word about kokako, and safeguarding these enchanting birds and their natural habitat to ensure their future is secure. 

Secure the kōkako's future to ensure their song echoes for generations to come. 

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